Top 5 Common Angular Mistakes to Avoid in Development

 In today's world, when you experience new technology, it comes with some challenges. These challenges make you doubt whether to adopt these technologies or not. Hence, this dilemma might trouble many. JavaScript is not a relatively new term for many. It has been proving its worth for the past many years. Also, CSS and HTML aren't even a problem now. 

With the increasing usage of single-page apps, there is an enhancement in demand for front-end developers. As per a recent survey from Stack Overflow, Angular has placed itself as the third most used web development framework. Hence, this technology might not be so tricky, but the goal is to meet demand. In simpler terms, if you want to set up a career in Angular development services, you are entering a vast realm. So, to avoid committing mistakes, here's a guide for you. 

Top 5 Common Angular Mistakes 

  1. Direct DOM Manipulation

One of the most common tasks in development is manipulating DOM. Hence, it is evident that an angular developer will follow the same procedure while developing the application. Therefore, one should not do this while doing development with Angular. It is not the right way to directly hack the DOM no matter how easy it is. Angular has evolved with time to become a platform, as earlier, it was just a web framework. 

Hence, an application built with Angular development tools can easily decoupled using a renderer. It will open many ways that a person can work, the best one being Ahead of Time Compilation. Using this will remove the necessity to utilize a high amount of Angular compilers. Hence, as a result, it could cut down the time and size of development.

If you want to make the most out of the opportunities of this approach, you should stick to Angular error and work with DOM directly. 

  1. Using jQuery with Angular

Another fundamental mistake that AngularJS developers make is using jQuery. And this is again concerning the DOM Manipulation. No matter if both belong to the same parent, JavaScript is made with different intent. Hence, it would be best if you compared both of them with single metrics. Instead, you can try other better and more valuable features that Angular has. However, the problem is that developers mostly tend to use jQuery. When they do so and stick to it, this framework won't recognize that DOM is manipulated using jQuery. 

There are chances of noticing specific unwanted effects when rendering and compilation take place. And in worst-case scenarios, you might not be able to find out where these mistakes have arisen as you went on the wrong path for DOM manipulation. 

  1. Declaring the Same Component in More than One NgModule

It is necessary to declare every component in Angular development mode using NgModule. Also, all of these modules must be present in the @NgModule.declarations array. It is done to ensure that you can have an eye on the renders of each component individually. On the other hand, the Angular developers might not follow this format while declaring the component in different NgModules or vice versa. 

Also, no matter if there is a need to mention each component in different NgModules, you must provide clear instructions about their relationship. For example, if the relation is parent and child, you must say the HeroComponent in the child module. And later, the child's NgModule.declaration.

After that, you can employ a child's NgModule.exports array to forward or export the call. Therefore, the task is just to clearly state the position of each component, its function and its relation with the module in which you insert it. 

  1. Not Unsubscribing from the listed events.

It is not an easy task to work with an angular development environment. But it could be more challenging if you make some basic Angular mistakes. There are lots of Angular functions that you might have to use, such as tutorials or events. Hence, there is a high chance that you might end up making inevitable mistakes. It is because you have plenty of libraries and optimizing strategies specially designed to help you unsubscribe. The most simple task is to unsubscribe from the services after you get your purpose served. 

By not doing so, you will allow chances of memory leaks that can quickly turn into many problems. Hence, if you have not understood it before, here are two common ways to do it:

  • Start an OnDestroy lifecycle hook for components with a subscription that has started. 

  • Develop a Lifecycle Hook for previously subscribed services.


The central idea is to unsubscribe after the development work is done. 

  1. Not Using the Angular Tools

If you ask a developer from the 1990s about how they had to make a simple static web page, you will find you are blessed. Hence, using Angular functions or other development technology can make this task easier today. It is all due to the presence of different tools as per technology. 

Angular has tools like Protractor, Test Whiz, and much more. These are mainly used for streamlining the development process. One of the most common mistakes of Angular developers is not using them. They don't use these tools for entire development and do it all manually. Hence, to save time, start using them. 

How do we avoid these common mistakes with Angular?

We might have encountered many times that humans make mistakes, but they can permanently be corrected. But how about instead of fixing them, we can start avoiding these mistakes? Hence, when you talk about Angular Mistakes, you have to write them after every error you commit while developing the part above. 

Additionally, there are certain things that every Angular developer should know while they work with this exceptional technology. Hence hire AngularJS developers with knowledge over these mistakes. 


There are plenty of challenges that a front-end developer might face. Hence, by avoiding these common mistakes, you can develop an application that performs highly, is easy to maintain and is highly accessible. 

Developers say that it is necessary to stick to best practices. These practices include using lightweight libraries, optimizing the detection of changes, implementing best component lifecycle hooks and much more. A developer must also exercise discretion when employing NgModel, ensure the best error handling and leverage lazy loading. Hence, an angular development company can help you take accessibility into account to perform unit testing.

Developers can easily create high-performing Angular applications by sticking to the abovementioned tips.


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